
阅读理解 A “Gap Year” is a period of time when a student takes a break before going to university. It is often spent travelling or working. It can give young people useful learning experiences and new skills. Gap years are popular with European and Australian students, but remain less popular in America. However, in recent years, more and more American students are preparing for college by taking a gap year. The advantages of taking a gap year are as follows:Learn about the World and Yourself Although you don't have to go abroad to experience gap years, most gap year students catch t与命题“能被6整除的整数一定能被3整除”等价的命题A.若一个整数不能被6整除,则它一定不能被3整除B.若一个整数能被6整除,则它不一定能被2整除C.若一个整数能被3整除,则它一定能被6整除D.若一个整数不能被3整除,则它一定不能被6整除
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