
阅读短文, 判断正误。Boys and girls, let's go to the zoo! Wow, so many animals! Do you knowall the animals? Look! Here comes a tiger! It's so big! It's yellow and black. Isee a zebra! It's not very tall. It's black and white. Are they monkeys? No! Thebig one is a gorilla. The small one is a monkey. I love animals! (1) We're atthe zoo. (2) Thetiger is small. (3) Thezebra is yellow and black. (4) I seetwo monkeys. (5) I see agorilla and a monkey.为了探究“种子萌发的环境条件”,小明同学用黄豆种子分别采取四种不同的处理方法,进行了对照实验,实验结果如表.请根据表格分析回答问题.瓶号处  理  方  法种子萌发情况11粒种子,不给水,置于温暖处未萌发21粒种子,给适量水,置于温暖处萌发31粒种子,给适量水,置于冰箱里未萌发41粒种子,给过量水,置于温暖处未萌发(1)1号瓶和2号瓶所形成的对照实验,变量是 .(2)1号瓶种子不萌发,是因为缺乏 ;3号瓶种子不萌发,是因为缺乏 .(3)根据所学知识,请推测:4号瓶种子是否会萌发? .(4)本实验的不足之处是. (5)本实验有 组对照实验,由此可知,种子的萌发需要的外界条件是 .
英语 试题推荐