
某同学家新房装修时,在地面与窗台间放置一斜木板,将瓷砖沿木板从地面匀速拉上窗台.如图所示,已知窗台高3m,木板长5m,瓷砖重500N,沿斜面所用拉力400N,则此过程中所做的有用功为 J,斜面的机械效率是,瓷砖与木板间的摩擦力为 N. 答案:【1】1500【2】75%【3】100先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词必须在答题卡标有题号的横线上完整写出。Japan is e________ 【小题1】its worst crisis(危机)since World War II. A terrible earthquake a________ 【小题2】 northeast Japan on March 11th. It was measured at magnitude 9.0. This is the s________ 【小题3】earthquake in Japan’s recorded history.The earthquake was f________ 【小题4】by a tsunami. Its wave was up to 10 meters high and s________ 【小题5】away everything in its path, including houses, cars, buildings and trees. The number of death r________ 【小题6】 6,405 last Friday morning, with 10,259 missing. The number will likely go b________ 【小题7】10,000 in one state (县)alone. Survivors along northeastern coast were in great n________ 【小题8】of drinking water, electricity and proper food. Compared with the earthquake, the nuclear leak(核泄漏)had a w________【小题9】effect on the people in Japan. An explosion(爆炸)had hit a building at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station and smoke r________【小题10】from the building last Friday. People were told to stay indoors if they lived w________ 【小题11】18 miles away from it. People were worried if the radioactive material would be blown over the area because of the wind d________【小题12】. According to the WHO, the radiation risk had no sign of threatening(威胁)anywhere else in Asia at present. March 22nd , 2011
物理 试题推荐