
阅读理解 Throughout much ofhuman history, man has been the measure of many, if not all, things. Lengths weredivided up into feet and smaller units from the human hand. Other measures wereequally characteristic. Mediterranean traders for centuries used the weight ofgrains of wheat to define (定义) their units of mass.The Romans used libra, forerunner of the pound, by referring to the weight of acarob (角豆树) seed. The sizes of similarlynamed units could also differ. The king's foot, used in France for nearly 1,000 years after itsintroduction by Charlemagne in around 790 AD, was, at 32某地区果农收获草莓30吨,枇杷13吨,现计划租用甲、乙两种货车共10辆将这批水果全部运往省城,已知甲种货车可装草莓4吨和枇杷1吨,乙种货车可装草莓、枇杷各2吨.(1)该果农安排甲、乙两种货车时有几种方案请您帮助设计出来;(2)若甲种货车每辆要付运输费2 000元,乙种货车每辆要付运输费1 300元,则该果农应选择哪种运输方案才能使运费最少,最少运费是多少元?
英语 试题推荐