
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的适当形式。 Once upon a time, there was a little candle standing with other candles in a room. Most of other candles weremuch (beautiful) than her. Some were white, blue, pink, and some were green. She had no (idea)whyshe was there, and the other candles there made her feel rather small. When thesunwent down and the room began to get dark,she saw a man (walk)toher witha box ofmatches. She suddenly realized that the man was going to set her on fire. No, no!she cried, Don't burnme, please!But she小燕同学在学习了密度的知识后,想用天平和量筒测量一杯盐水的密度,实验过程如下:①把烧杯中盐水倒一部分到量筒中,测出量筒中盐水的体积v;②用天平称出烧杯和剩下盐水的总质量m1;③把天平放在水平桌上,旋动平衡螺母,使横梁平衡;④用天平测出烧杯和盐水的总质量m2;⑤用天平测出空烧杯的质量m3(1)请你选用误差较小的操作过程帮他重新排列实验序号③④①②③④①②.(2)盐水密度的数学表达式:ρ=m2-m1Vm2-m1V.(3)小燕在测烧杯和剩下盐水的总质量m1时,出现了如图所示的情况,此时她应进行的操作是:减少砝码减少砝码.
英语 试题推荐