
根据BBC micro:bit编辑器的窗口布局和基本功能回答下面问题。 (1) 图中BBC micro:bit开发板的硬件组成中:是LED显示屏,可显示文字、数字、图形等;是可编程按钮(填相应数字)。 (2) 图中是亮度圈(填相应数字),它是将“输入”工具栏中的指令块添加到“显示数字”指令块中完成;模拟器中内置的传感器,是对外界光信号响应的敏感装置,利用光敏元件将光信号转换为,它的模拟值范围是,当前模拟器中显示的是。请写出另外两个模12.Welcome to Longhui Huayao Village. It lies at the eastern foot of Xuefeng Mountain. It's about 110 kilometers away from the County Seat(县政府所在地)of Longhui. It's an old village in the hills with a lot of beautiful waterfalls,trees and interesting rocks. Tourists are interested in not only the nature becauty of the village but also the culture of Huayao People. Huayao People are a special group of Yao People. They are famous for their special clothes which are as colorful as flowers. There are many interesting things in Huayao culture,such as wedding custom(婚俗),Tao-nian-bai Festival(讨念拜节)and so on.I hope that more people can visit the village and know more about our special cultures.46. Longhui Huayao village liesAA. at the eastern foot of Xuefeng MountainB. at the southern foot of Xuefeng MountainC. at the western foot of Xuefeng Mountain47. There areAin the villageA. many beautiful waterfalls,trees and interesting rocksB. few waterfalls,flowers and interesting rocksC. a lot of beautiful flowers,waterfalls and trees48. Huayao People are a special group ofBPeople.A. Miao B. Yao C. Hui49. What are Huayao People famous for?AA. Their special clothes.B. Their special food.C. Their special festival.50. There aren't a lot of interesting things in Huayao culture,are there?AA. Yes,there are. B. No,there aren't. C. We don't know.
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