
AB两个篮球队进行了多场比赛,现在要统计比分并确定获胜球队。计分规则是胜场多的队伍获胜,若胜场相同,则计算累计小分(小分=本队得分-对手得分),小分多获胜,若还是相同,则算平局。小蓝同学根据上述算法编写了一个VB程序实现比赛结果统计。每场比分记录在文本框Text1中,单击“统计”按钮command1,把两队每场按AB两队比分差降序显示在列表框list1中,同时在文本框Text2输出最终结果。部分程序界面如图所示。 Private sub command1_click()Dim a(1 t1  The "Occupy Wall Street" movement gained more support on Wednesday as unions and students joined in. With the protests developing from a group of young people's camping out near the New York Stock Exchange on September 17 to large-scale (大规模的) movements across the country and around the world, people can't help asking: What has led to "Occupy Wall Street?" Three years after the severe economic crisis, the U.S. economy now is stuck again. Protesters are not satisfied with the present economic situation since unemployment rate is above 9 percent and economic growth has slowed. The housing market is still struggling for a recovery three years after the bubble (泡沫) burst. People are losing their houses even after they have paid a large amount of mortgage(抵押). It is getting difficult for young people to find jobs. People feared that a similar crisis like the one in 2008 may be already on its way. It is Wall Street that possessed the most riches. It is Wall Street greed that, at least partly, led to the financial crisis in 2008. It was Wall Street's "fat cats" who take taxpayers' aid money as their own big bonus (奖金). With the growing economic crisis around the world, people realize that Wall Street is responsible for it. So they try to target people who created the crisis. The majority of the protesters are young people under 30. Many of them are unemployed. Some are students with mountains of loans (贷款). Some are hard-working people about to lose their houses even if they have paid a large amount of mortgage. They are complaining that the hard-working middle class is getting poor, yet Wall Street stays wealthy. William Cohan, author of Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the world, wrote recently that Wall Street not only learned nothing from the 2008 crisis, they are also trying to kill all reforms that might "break this dangerous cycle in which bankers get very rich while the rest of working people suffer from their mistakes." 1.. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The cause of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. B. The demand of the protesters of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. C. The popularity of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. D. The development of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. 2.. According to the second paragraph, what set off the “Occupy Wall Street” movement? A. The housing market.                                              B. The bad economic situation. C. The mortgage                                     D. The high unemployment rate. 3.. We can learn from the passage that Wall Street is the symbol of          in the USA. A. civilization          B. power                         C. wealth             D. fashion 4. We can infer that William Cohan         . A. is the organizer of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement B. lives on Wall Street C. is against the “Occupy Wall Street” movement D. approves of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement
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