
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 As a child, I was always told to eat my greens.These were the unappealing vegetables that sat on the edge of my plate. Peas,and green beans, all looked and tasted 1.Let's face it, when there were so many other delicious treats to 2,why eat boring vegetables? Since then my taste buds have 3 and I'm also fully aware of the healthbenefits of eating fresh vegetables. But we still need 4 of the amazing goodness these green superfoods give us. In the UK, a campaign has been 5 for several y(2013?海陵区二模)下面是某家庭成员某些特征的调查结果,请根据结果回答下列问题 父 母 女儿 眼睑的形状 双眼皮 双眼皮 单眼皮 有无耳垂 有耳垂 无耳垂 无耳垂 舌头能否卷曲 能卷舌 能卷舌 能卷舌(1)表格中所涉及的单双眼皮、有无耳垂等到特征在遗传学上称为性状性状.(2)父母为双眼皮,而女儿为单眼皮,此现象称为变异变异;父母的舌头能卷曲,女儿的舌头也能卷曲,此现象称为遗传遗传.(3)假若双眼皮基因为A,写出家庭成员控制眼睑形状的基因组成是:父AaAa,母AaAa,女儿aaaa.(4)这对夫妇若再生一个孩子,孩子的眼睑是单眼皮的机率是25%25%.
英语 试题推荐