
用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空(有1项多余)。 farm parent how many they library policeman (1) The are looking for the little girl in the park. (2) Look! The two tall buildings are our school and we can borrow books there. (3) In our classroom there are two computers, and colour is black. (4) What are your favourite colours? (5) people are there in Julia's family?19世纪60年代,资产阶级统治在世界范围内得到巩固与扩大。与这一历史现象相关的事件是 A.新航路开辟、英国资产阶级革命、法国大革命 B.《权利法案》、《独立宣言》、《人权宣言》颁布 C.美国内战、 俄国农奴制改革、日本明治维新 D.美国独立战争、拿破仑战争、美国内战
英语 试题推荐