
观察下列物体时,用到哪些感觉器官? (1) 小明来到动物园,比较猴子和长颈鹿的身高。他发现猴子的身高(),长颈鹿的身高( )。小明运用了()感觉器官,它能帮助我们识别猴子和长颈鹿。A.高B.矮C.手D.鼻E.眼F.耳 (2) 小明家里有苹果和仿真苹果,他发现苹果的气味是(),仿真苹果的气味是()。小明运用了()感觉器官,它能帮助我们识别苹果和仿真苹果。A.水果香味B.塑料味C.手D.鼻E.眼F.耳 (3) 小明发现砂纸是(),油 完形填空   My now 7 year old grandson, who lives 100 miles away, has had my mobile phone number memorized since he was 4.Since then, he has   1   me every night before he   2   to tell me about his day or just to say "Good Night Grandma".   He also   3   calls me at other times during the day just to   4   a happy or sad moment.Many times he's dribbling(运球)a basketball with one hand,   5   laughing with a friend about something that I never quite   6   about, or crying about something he may or may not want to talk about while I’m on the other end of the   7  .I just listen and empathize(心领神会)or laugh with him-just share his current   8  .I always let him be in charge of the subject, the emotion, and the amount of   9   he's on the phone with me.Many times I just listen to him play(or watch him on Skype), listen while he does his homework aloud, or play games we've made up together that we can play over the phone.   The only time I take   10   of the conversation is when he's   11   to say goodbye at night.Then I have 4 special   12   I say to him every night.One night I thought maybe he was   13   hearing those so didn't say them.He   14   called me back and told me that I   15   to say those sentences!I haven't   16   saying them since then!   My friends all know that he takes precedence(优先权)over all other things.  17   I'm at a Doctor's appointment, in church, or some place where I really can't take his call, I always politely   18   myself and talk to him,   19   it's just for a minute to tell him I'll call him back in a few minutes.   He knows that he takes first place in my   20  · (1) [  ] A. called B. pictured C. visited D. written to (2) [  ] A. does his homework B. goes to bed C. has supper D. watches TV (3) [  ] A. happily B. hurriedly C. frequently D. kindly (4) [  ] A. describe B. have C. share D. spare (5) [  ] A. but. B. or C. so D. thus (6) [  ] A. catch on B. get on C. keep up D. pick up (7) [  ] A. earth B. phone C. street D. town (8) [  ] A. emotion B. ideas C. lessons D. news (9) [  ] A. fun B. money C. play D. time (10) [  ] A. advantage B. care C. control D. notice (11) [  ] A. curious B. forced C. ready D. reluctant (12) [  ] A. greetings B. words C. presents D. sentences (13) [  ] A. accustomed to B. interested in C. keen on D. tired of (14) [  ] A. angrily B. immediately C. slowly D. unfortunately (15) [  ] A. forgot B. hesitated C. hoped D. intended (16) [  ] A. avoided B. considered C. missed D. regretted (17) [  ] A. Since B. Though C. While D. Unless (18) [  ] A. entertain B. excuse C. express D. punish (19) [  ] A. as if B. as long as C. even if D. now that (20) [  ] A. brain B. heart C. mind D. soul
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