
根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Jim is a boy. He's twelve years old. He has a twin(孪生的) brother,Ben. They look the same but they have different hobbies. Jim likes reading books and lis-tening to music, but Ben likes playing sports.Jim is tall. He is 1.58 meters. Ben is 0.02 meters taller than Jim. Jim is sad. because he isn't good at sports. But Ben can run faster and jump higher than him. Ben is also not happy. He's worried about his maths.So they begin to help each other. Ben usually plays basketball with Jim after school. And Jim often helps Ben with his maths. Now Jim's s关于欧洲西部旅游景点的说法,正确的是(  )A.英国的峡湾风光引人入胜B.伦敦的艾菲尔铁塔令人景仰C.南部地中海沿岸国家的海滨沙滩优美宜人D.芬兰的花卉尤其是郁金香闻名世界
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