
新闻再播台湾无四肢女孩成功登雪山创残疾人登山纪录来源:中国台湾网据台湾《联合报》报道,台湾四肢截肢的残疾人郭韦齐,本月踩着义肢登上雪山,写下极少数四肢截肢仍能完成攀登高山的纪录.郭韦齐8岁时因病截肢,从此失去双手双脚,但她仍乐观看待人生,登上雪山主峰,她说,“走到破皮都值得.”鼓励郭韦齐走上雪山的背后“推手”,除了家人之外,还有台湾体育大学休闲产业经营系毕业生顾明翰及硕士生吴佳颖.顾明翰去年踏上1100  The word “ Employment ” refers to how many people have jobs and incomes. Some people are employed in public service, that is to say, they work in government offices or hotels owned by the government, but others may be employed in private service;i.e. they may work for certain shops or hotels or even homes owned by certain people as their bosses or masters. But most people are usually employed in goods producing factories;i.e. they work in factories that produce such goods as machines, cars , clothing and foods. The line graph below shows the employment (in millions of persons) in Country C from 1968-1997. 1.At the end of 1985 , about what total employment, in millions , in both service and goods- producing industries? A.51 B.54C.63D.66 2.For the entire period shown in the graph , the increase in employment in service was about how many times greater than the increase in employment in goods-producing industries ? A.2 B.3C.4D. 5 3.At the end of 1990 , about what was the ratio (比例) of the number of service workers to workers in goods-producing industries ? A.2:1    B.3: 2C.5:3    D. 5:2 4.In what year did the number of service workers show an increase of 100% over that number at the start of 1968? A.1990   B.1992C.1994   D.1995
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