
补全对话(选择)。A: Hi, Mike! Is this notebook yours?B: My notebook is in my desk. It may(可能) be Tom's.A: B: He is in the library.A: Well, let's call him. B: It's 733-0054....A: Hi, Tom! A notebook is in our classroom. Is it yours?C: A: Yes, it's on the teacher's desk.C: Oh, it's mine. Thanks.A: A. Where is Tom? B. No, it isn't.C. I'm sorry.D. You're welcome.E. Yes, it is. F. Is it on the teacher's desk?G. What's his telephone number?按照如图所示的操作步骤,若输入的值为-3,那么输出的结果是________. 44 【解析】【解析】 根据题意得:(﹣3)2=9<12,可得(9+2)×4=44,故答案为:44.
英语 试题推荐