
依据诗意,作者感到被“啮咬”“绞伤”的原因,最可能的一项() 花是无声的音乐/果实是最动人的书籍/当它们在春天演奏,秋天出版/我的日子被时计的齿轮/给无情地啮咬,绞伤/庭中便飞散着我的心的碎片/阶下就响起我的一片叹息 A . 岁月一何易,寒暑忽已革 B . 吾谋适不用,勿谓知音稀 C . 花自飘零水自流,一种相思,两处闲愁 D . 不忍登高临远,望故乡渺邈,归思难收阅读短文,选择正确的答案。It was a sunny day last Sunday. Liu Mei went shopping with her mother. On her way to the shop, they met (遇见)an old woman. The old woman wanted to see her husband (丈夫). He had the flu and was ill in the hospital. But she did not know the way to the hospital. Liu Mei asked a policeman. He told (告诉) her to take a No.11 bus. Liu Mei went with the old woman to the hospital and her mother went shopping by herself. Forty minutes later, the old woman saw her husband. Liu Mei left the hospital and went to the bookstore. She did not wait for their thanks.【1】What was the weather like last Sunday? (  )A. It was Sunday.B. It was fine.C. It was rainy.【2】Where did the old woman want to go? (  )A. She wanted to go to the hospital.B. She wanted to go to the cinema.C. She wanted to go to the science museum.【3】What is the matter with the woman's husband? (  )A. He had a headache.B. He had a fever.C. He had the flu.【4】How did Liu Mei and the old woman go to the hospital? (  )A. They went there by bus.B. They went there on foot.C. They went there by bike.【5】Where did Liu Mei go at last? (  )A. She went to the hospital.B. She went to the supermarket.C. She went to the bookstore.
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