
阅读理解Future astronauts could travelwith emotional support robots To helpastronauts of the future survive (幸免于) the mental (精神的) challenges that come with staying in space for quite along time, space travelers‟ tasks could soon be accompanied(陪伴) by AI-powered, empathetic (有同理心的, 同感的) robotic helpers. Not only does space travel presentastronauts with lots of physical stresses, spending months or years in such aphysically demanding (要求高的)place with limited space and the same people can also raise many mental testsas well. According to MIT Technolo1.H是一种香料,可用如图的设计方案合成.已知:①在一定条件下,有机物有下列转化关系:②烃A和等物质的量的HCl在不同的条件下发生加成反应,既可以生成只含有一个甲基的B,也可以生成含有两个甲基的F.(1)D的结构简式为CH3CH2CHO.(2)烃A→B的化学反应方程式是CH3CH=CH2+HCl$\stackrel{一定条件}{→}$CH3CH2CH2Cl.(3)F→G的化学反应类型为取代反应;G的命名为2-丙醇.(4)E+G→H的化学反应方程式CH3CH2COOH+CH3CH(OH)CH3$→_{△}^{浓硫酸}$CH3CH2COOCH(CH3)2+H2O.(5)H有多种同分异构体,其中含有一个羧基,且其一氯代物有两种的是:.(用结构简式表示)
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