
阅读材料,完成下列要求。长期以来,我国医疗服务价格体系存在着许多问题,医疗服务价格既不能反映医护工作者的技术劳务价值和医院医疗成本,又不能反映群众需求,影响医护人员积极性,导致“以药养医”,造成群众看病难,看病贵。2016年我国《推进医疗服务价格改革的意见》提出,到2020年,要逐步建立以成本和收入结构变化为基础的价格动态调整机制。实行分级定价,根据医疗机构等级、医师级别和市场需求等因素,对医疗服务制定不同根据短文内容,从下边的A—F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Tips on How to Think Positive【1】 Your thoughts that consist of mental images and self talk are on automatic mode (状态). When you see, hear, smell or touch something, your mind comes out with its mental representation. You will then find yourself feeling something. To develop positive thinking, become aware of your feelings by checking them from time to time. Ask yourself what you were thinking and what caused the thought. Take note of what you were saying to yourself.【2】 How often do you say things such as “It happens every time” when something doesn’t turn out right? What do you say to yourself when you have made a mistake? Do you say things like, “Stupid of me. Here I go again?” Another tip on how to think positive is to catch yourself saying all these negative things. Demand your inner self to stop. You can say something such as, “Stop it. I am much better than that. The next time I will …”【3】 Your beliefs shape your thoughts. If you believe you can’t do something or if you have conditioned your mind to see unpleasantness in people or situations, you will see and experience them in your life. You can change your limiting and negative beliefs by challenging and questioning them. You can also do so by re-framing things or changing your view.【4】 Your thoughts determine what you focus on. You can force yourself to see and focus on the positive side of things, people and yourself. Develop an attitude of seeing things in a new or different perspective. Instead of thinking and seeing what doesn’t work, look at what works. Rather than seeing something as a problem or difficulty, consider it as an opportunity. Once you see things differently, you will think in a different manner.【5】 Get out in the open and get physically active. Make it a habit to exercise daily. Exercise affects your attitude about life. It is one of the ways to prevent or reduce stress and anxiety and maintain mental health. Practice healthy eating so that you can maintain your weight, prevent sickness and reduce the risk of major health problems. Read and listen to motivational and self-help books or recordings. Spending too much time sitting at home watching television and filling your mind with bad news and reality shows won’t help expand your thinking.
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