
阅读下而短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。With two bags of catfood in her arms, Manuela Wroblewski couldn't stop smiling as she walkedtoward the familiar shop on the comer. She was making her weekly visit to see Husseinthe barber. He spotted her through the picture window of his quiet shop andburst through the door and into the sunlight. The two hurried overto the tiny food dishes lined up in the alley Soon the sound of cat foodclinked(叮当)against the bowls andseveral stiff tailed cats began to appear. Here in Avsallar, Turkey,there was a cult生活中处处有化学,下列有关化学知识的应用错误的是(  )A.洗涤剂有乳化功能,可以洗净餐具B.用碳素墨水书写的档案材料可以长期保存C.金刚石硬度很大,可以制作玻璃刀D.使用催化剂可将水变汽油
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