
完形填空 Human growth is a process of experimentation, trial, and error eventually leading to wisdom. Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action, you can never quite be certain how the situation will 1Sometimes you are victorious, and sometimes you become disappointed. The 2 experiments, however, are no less valuable than the experiments that finally prove successful; in fact, you3 learn more from your failures than you do from your 4If you have made what you think to be a mistake or failed to live up to your own 5you will most likely put up a barrier between your essence an北宋中后期苏轼登上词坛,为词的发展打开了新格局。他的词作 [  ] ①大量融入铺叙成分,丰富了词的容量和表现力 ②把怀古、感旧、记游、说理等题材都纳入词作 ③以豪迈奔放的思想感情,描绘雄浑壮观的景物 ④表达了渴望恢复中原的雄心和壮志未酬的悲愤 A.①②③B.②③④ C.②③D.①④
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