
阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。Pictogram is a compound word made from picture and telegram. Pictograms are usually simple pictures, and they are often made with letters and words. A pictogram is a symbol which represents an idea or an object through an image (图像). Also, it is a kind of communication system which must be learned but is very useful in our lives. The user must learn to see, understand and remember the different pictogram symbols. There are about l, 400 different symbols at the present time. A Canadian named Subhas Maharaj came up with the idea for pictogr国共两党达成协定,规定迅速召开政治协商会议是在A.国民党第六次全国人民代表大会上B.国共合作宣言中C.《双十协定》的内容中D.中国共.产.党第七次代表大会上
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