
B)根据短文和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。 Hello, everyone! My name is Jenny Green. My first name is Jenny and my last name is Green. I am (十)years old. I like (夏天) and I can swim. I often go swimming on(星期天). There is a swimming pool (游泳池) behind my home. It is(小的). but I like it. Look at the( 照片) in my hand. This is my father. He is a(医生), he works in a(医院). It is( 在….附近) my home. He is( 四十) years old. My father and I are going to see my叔叔) tomorrow. He is a good policeman.综合问答--体育中考与物理: 以下是小雨参加体育中考经历的几个场景,请你挑选2个,用所学的物理知识进行解释: ①小雨看到人工草坪在阳光下绿油油的一片很整洁、很好看; ②在做立定跳远时,小雨用力向后蹬踏板,身体向前窜出,2.35m,满分;③1000m长跑下来,小雨出汗了,一阵风吹过,感到挺凉,他赶紧穿上外套; ④比赛结束后吃电烤肉时,小雨发现电热板热得发红,而与之相连的导线却不很热。 (1)解释场景____________________________;(2)解释场景____________________________。
英语 试题推荐