
阅读理解ADear Dad and Mom, How are you in Beijing? I'm fine in Toronto and I like the weather here very much. It's not very hot in summer. But in winter it is usually very cold and it often snows. I like the white snow because I can use it to make snowmen. In spring it is warm but spring is usually very short. It's hot and rainy in summer here. I like fall(秋天)best in Toronto because it's very cool. I have many friends here. They are very nice. On Sundays, I often go around the city by bus with them.Love,Li Weikang (1) Where is Li Weikang now? A . In Canada. B . In Beij下列实验操作正确的是(  )A. 稀释浓硫酸 B. 加热液体C. 点燃酒精灯 D. 称量NaOH固体 A 【解析】 试题A选项稀释浓硫酸酸入水且搅拌,是正确的操作;B选项加热试管中的液体时,试管中的液体不能超过其体积的三分之一;C选项点燃酒精灯要用火柴;D选项称量氢氧化钠腐蚀性的药品要放在烧杯中称量,故答案选择A。
英语 试题推荐