
我国自主研发的电动汽车已经越来越普及,具有外形时尚、价格便宜、噪音低等优点。外国朋友对此也很感兴趣。 请你以A New Invention—E-car为题,请写一篇110词左右的短文介绍电动汽车给人们生活带来的好处,让外国朋友了解这一绿色交通工具. A New Invention—E-car 答案:A New Invention—E-car Nowadays, our country attaches great importance to environment protection. And since car exhaust is one of the main pollution in air, our country encourages people to buy e-cars. I'm highly approve of the activity. With the wealth increasing in China, more and more families want to buy cars, and many families have more than one car. Cars and other vehicles increase rapidl 在下面的横线处填入适当的词语,组成前后呼应的排比句。 即使书中没有黄金屋、颜如玉,书籍仍然是追求者的宠儿,因为读书不仅是一种需要,更是一种性情的愉悦。它如同春天扁舟里的放歌,________,________,隆冬炉火旁的倾谈。它是心灵的慰藉,________,是生命的落脚处。
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