
阅读材料,回答下列问题材料一:中央电视台《百家讲坛》特别节目——《平“语”近人——习.平总书记用典》热播以来,让人听得进、记得住、传得开、用得上、忘不掉,引起广大观众热烈反响和社会各界高度关注。材料二:青年兴则国兴,青年强则国强。青年一代有理想、有本领、有担当,国家就有前途,民族就有希望。历史和现实都告诉我们,中国特色社会主义事业是面向未来的事业,需要一代又一代有志青年勇敢地、自觉地担当起继往开来Life's greatest joys and its greatest sorrows often come from the relationships we have developed with others.In our world today,it seems that most people struggle for happiness through pleasant physical surroundings and economic security.These are great,but if there is conflict in human relations,these things do not bring happiness. Think about the last time you were having an argument or a disagreement with one of your co-workers,your boss, your friend,or a family member.Was it easy or difficult to focus on your priorities(优秀考虑的事)?Even though you might have been having some success m many areas of your life,did you find yourself still feeling some discomfort due to the stress in that particular relationship?On the contrary,you may know people who are happy in great poverty and with physical stress if they have meaningful,pleasant relations with people around them.Consider the most relationship that you have ever had with any individual(个人).To some degree it probably is or was marked by absolute honesty,deep levels of trust,respect for that person's skills,knowledge,or abilities,open communication,acceptance of differing views,and little concern for images(形象).In effort to make the relationships we currently have the best that they can be,remember that persuasion usually cannot take place unless there is some sort of close,meaningful connection between the two people involved.The result will be a relationship of respect and progression.Many of us have difficulty in accepting the faults and weaknesses of others; co-workers,work leaders,family members,or members of our social or religious groups.Our tendency to demand perfection of others can cause us to lose sight that we,ourselves,are less than perfect.Undoubtedly,there are differences among us.Some of us are even cruel and unpleasant.Others may have cultural differences that are blocks that affect us.But learning to look for the similarities instead of those things that set us apart,bearing differences,and seeing the best in others rather than the worst will lead to relationships of deep respect and lasting value.1.Paragraph 2 was written in order to .A. raise a new problem B. list some argumentsC. introduce the main idea D. analyze the back ground2.In order to have good relationships with a person,we should .A. try to persuade him to accept our ideas B. help him gain some knowledgeC. show our honesty and trust him D. improve our own capabilities3.People cannot accept others' shortcomings mainly because .A. they attached too much importance to others' wordsB. they can't have a trustworthy relationshipC. they refuse to admit the cultural differencesD. they have higher demands on other people4.What's the best title for the passage?A. A Good Understanding of RelationshipsB. Build Lasting Relationships with OthersC. Deep Respect Leads to Good RelationshipsD. Discomfort Caused by Bad Relationships
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