
下列句中说法不正确的一项是( ) A . 人称“读《出师表》不哭者不忠,读《陈情表》不哭者不孝,读《祭十二郎文》不哭者不友”,此三文遂被并称为抒情佳篇而传诵于世。 B . 王勃,唐代诗人,字子安。其“海内存知己,天涯若比邻” 已成为千古名句。王勃与杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王并称“王杨卢骆”,亦称“初唐四杰”。 C . 契诃夫,19世纪末俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家 ,短篇小说的巨匠,著名剧作家。与欧·亨利、莫泊桑并称为三大短篇小Most parents and teachers would get angry when they hear that teenagers listen to their iPods while preparing for exams. But pupils who listen to music when doing their homework may be, in fact, working hard. Thirty three schools have downloaded specially written pop and rock songs for their 10,000 pupils who are studying for GCSE (初级毕业证书). The professionally recorded music, based on texts in English literature, teaches teenagers about themes in the GCSE curriculum (课程). Two young men set up “Revise”, the company that produced the songs, and worked with teachers to make sure the lyrics (歌词) reflected the curriculum. Some of the songs were written by Geraint Brown, a director, and they are performed by professional singers and musicians. Songs for the GCSE science and maths lessons are also being developed in 36 schools. They have also started using the program, called, “LearnThruMusic”. Dave Matthews, the head of Hawthorn High School in the South Wales valleys, said the program aimed at helping teenagers who are unwilling to study. He said, “There are lots of pupils who don’t have a high level of home support. It’s almost cool to say you have no need to find a support and we have got to change that. With this, they don’t have to be sitting at their desk at home. They can be outside, walking around or even listening to it on the bus, which is very convenient for them.” Everyone has a phone, MP3 or CD player, and they’re more likely to listen to these than pick up a book. “I think everyone would agree that music had an important influence on us when growing up. Both boys and girls are very good at remembering the words and dancing to the music in the charts. There’s no one thing that will successfully engage (使…产生兴趣) every child, and some of them will make little or no use of this. But the fact that they don’t have to do any extra work makes this a very good deal for a kid,” Dave Matthews added.小题1:The pop and rock songs used in 36 schools ________. A.were written for the students to relax themselves B.made most parents and teachers angryC.were specially written for hardworking students D.were closely related to the curriculum小题2:Which benefit of the program is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.It saves students much extra work.B.It offers different ways of learning. C.It makes remembering easier. D.It improves family support to kids.小题3:Which of the following can be inferred in the passage? A.The program is not expected to have equal effect on every student. B.Some students used the song as an excuse for not reading textbooks. C.It’s more difficult to create songs for science and maths lessons. D.Students involved in the program needn’t go to school every day.小题4:Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A.Special-written Songs — A Reason Why Students Should Listen to IPods. B.Special-written Songs — A New Way to Learn the Curriculum. C.Special-written Songs — A Substitution for Textbooks. D.Special-written Songs — Mothers’ New Concern.
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