
大型纪录片《我们一起走过——致敬改革开放40周年》用107个改革故事,勾连历史与现实,让改革开放40年的宏伟画卷生动呈现出来,向改革开放致敬,为改革开放写史,为伟大时代讴歌,让广大观众产生了强烈的社会共鸣。下列对改革开放的意义认识正确的是( ) ①使中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃 ②从根本上改变了我国的经济政治体制和社会主义基本制度 ③使中国特色社会主义迎来了从创立、发展到完善的伟大飞跃 ④ 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。【1】Children shouldn't go out alone at night. It is __________(danger).【2】Here is the __________(invite) to Alan's wedding party. Let's go together.【3】The kids all looked forward to ___ (take) part in the summer camp again.【4】________(final), I beat her in the tennis match. I won the first place.【5】Can Lisa ________(help) us out with the party preparation on Friday?
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