
靠近地球表面形成的扁平层状云是。层云通常是色的。如果层云变厚,将会出现毛毛雨、大雨或雪,所以也称它为。 答案:【1】层云【2】灰【3】雨层云  Edelweiss is the Swiss national flower. The blooms are small and white. They are shaped like stars.   In the Alps edelweiss grows wild. But it is hard to pick. It grows high up in the mountains, near the area where the snow stays all year long. Most of the plants are found in steep rock crevices.   Young men sometimes bring edelweiss back for their girl friends. The girls think of the flowers as a proof of true love. Mountain climbers, guides, and hunters pick edelweiss too. They wear it on their hats. To them it is a sign of courage and daring. 1. Edelweiss is the Swiss national flower of_______. A. Austria  B. the Alps  C. Switzerland 2. The flowers are_______. A. white  B. star-shaped C. Both A and B 3. The plants are found in________. A. snowdrifts B. rock crevices C. Both A and B 4.Edelweiss is hard to pick because it______. A.has tough stems B.grows in high, steep places C.is protected by Swiss law 5.Edelweiss given to a girl stands for_______. A. love B. beauty C. truth 6.Edelweiss worn on a hat stands for______. A. faith B. peace C. bravery
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