
阅读理解 Sally Smith is a teacher in a middleschool. She goes to school at seven thirty. Her classes are from 8:00 to 8:40.All the students like her Chinese classes a lot. But in March, the students are always sleepyin class. They don't listen to her in class. Sally Smith is not happy aboutthis. How can I make my classes more(更加)interesting? she thinks. Then she has a good idea(主意). She comes to the classroom, and then. she starts to tell her studentssome interesting riddles(谜语). All the students like theriddles. They are very happy in class. They like Sally's classes again. 被犹太教.基督教和伊斯兰教视为“圣地”的是 [  ] A.麦加B.麦地那 C.耶路撒冷D.罗马
英语 试题推荐