
有两桶油,第一桶油用去 ,余下的与第二桶的质量比是3:5,第一桶原有18千克,第二桶原有油多少千克? 答案:解:18×(1﹣ 14 )× 53=18× 34 × 53=22 12 (千克) 答:第二桶原有油22 12 千克。4.听第9段材料,回答第13至l5题.13.What rule should you follow if you want to enter the sports complex?A.Wear appropriate shoes.B.Register on the notice board.C.Make an appointment with a coach.14.How much is the buffet? A.£4.   B.£8.   C.£10.15.What is the purpose of the announcement?A.To introduce a playing field.B.To introduce a holiday camp.C.To introduce a fruit market.
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