
When they went into the shop and asked to look at the engagement rings, the shop assistant brought out a cheap one, ________ she has arranged with James. A . which was that B . what was that C . which was what D . that was that 答案:C 洪灾过后,饮用水的消毒杀菌成为抑制大规模传染性疾病爆发的有效方法之一.漂白粉是常用的消毒剂. ①工业上将氯气通入石灰乳[Ca(OH)2]制取漂白粉,化学反应方程式为________. ②漂白粉的有效成分是(填化学式)________. ③漂白粉溶于水后,受空气中的CO2作用,即产生有漂白、杀菌作用的次氯酸,离子方程式为________.
英语 试题推荐