
阅读理解 How do you disagree with or complain(抱怨)to someone in a polite way? Your teacher says Pluto(冥王星)is a planet and you know that it's not. Here's one polite way of telling the teacher. You can say, Excuse me, teacher, but I have heard that scientists now don't call Pluto a planet. If you say excuse me and don't use words like wrong, your teacher won't feel unhappy. And there are times when we need to complain. You have bought an MP3 player. The shop assistant tells you that the player also has a radio. You buy it but find that it doesn't. You need to go back to the store an15、材料一:在中学生当中,98.6%的人是有零花钱的,而仅有14%是没有的。这些钱主要来源是父母,有些学生的零用钱是足以维持一个生活比较困难的家庭的日常开支!但这算不算乱消费,还必须要调查一下这些钱的用途。请看下表: 中学生消费倾向排名表 消费项目 占总数的比例 1 零食 36% 2 服装饰品 27% 3 游戏 19% 4 学习用品 11% 5 其他 7% 材料二:学会合理消费:第一招:掷地有声,钱要花在刀刃上:第二招:有意识地控制自己的消费;第三招:养成节俭的好习惯;第四招:把握消费时机;第五招:合理利用银行卡。 (1)材料一反映了当前中学生存在的消费问题,请在材料二中选择一种你认为最合理的消费方式。 (2)针对所选择的消费方式,写出具体的建议和行为要求,并说明它对中学生的成长有何意义。
英语 试题推荐