
阅读理解In Nanchang, the capital of east China's Jiangxi Province, there is a small kitchen near a hospital. The cancer patients'(癌症病人的) family members can cook meals for the sick people here. Wan Zuocheng and Xiong Gengxiang are a couple(夫妇). They run(经营) the kitchen.Why do they run the kitchen? One day, a young couple with their sick son came here. They wanted to borrow the couple's stove fire(炉火) to cook a meal for their son. Wan Zuocheng and Xiong Gengxiang said OK. They helped the young couple's family, too. Since then, some people have come here for cooking. At 你能填上适当的长度单位吗?①小红每分钟步行50 .②小轿车每小时可以行驶70 .③一只燕子每小时飞行150 .④一架飞机每小时飞行800 .⑤世界最高的山峰珠穆朗玛峰大约高8848 .⑥亮亮从家到学校要走750 .⑦我国的万里长城是世界上最大的建筑之一,大约长6700 .
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