
阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Beesare important to the production of food we eat. Bees make honey, but they also pollinate(授粉)large areas of crops, such as straw berries,apples and onions. About a third of the food we eat is a result of pollination ofthe bees. Unfortunately, bees have been disappearing at an alarming rate. In2010, bee keepers started reporting about something called Colony Collapse Disaster(CCD). The main sign of CCD is the loss of adult honey bees from a hive(蜂巢). In October of 2010, some beekeepers reported that they had lo选出下面成语书写不对的一项A、目瞪口呆B、转败为胜C、变化无常D、一畴莫展
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