
根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。B Hello! My name is Kate. This is my bag. It's a nice bag, right? It is from my mother. What's in my bag? A ruler is in it. And the ruler is white. It's not mine. It's Lily's. Lily is my sister. She likes white but I don't. Two pencils are in it, too. One is red and the other is blue. They are mine. Look, a nice watch is in it. The watch is white and blue. It's mine and it's from my father. A notebook is in my bag, too. The notebook is yellow and blue. Is this notebook mine? No, it's Anna's. Anna is my cousin. She likes yellow and blue very much. 常温下联氨的水溶液中有: 提示:二元弱碱的电离也是分步电离该溶液中的微粒的物质的量分数随变化的关系如图所示。下列叙述错误的是 A.据A点可求:B.D点溶液的 C.若C点为溶液,则存在:D.在水溶液中,
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