
阅读理解 One of the most famous buildings in theUnited States is Carnegie Hall, the home of classical and popular musicconcerts in New York. Carnegie Hall is known not just for its beauty andhistory, but also for its amazing sound. Carnegie Hall is named after Andrew Carnegie, who paid for itsconstruction. Construction of Carnegie Hall began in 1890 and the officialopening night was on May 5th, 1891. The hallwas owned by the Carnegie family until 1924 when it was sold to Robert E Simon.The building became very old and in 1960, the new owner made plans to destroyit and build an office block归园田居||||阅读陶渊明《归园田居》(其三)   种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣。衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违。   1.对这首诗的解说不恰当的一项是( )   A.开头两句交代劳动地点、内容和豆苗的生长情况。   B.三、四两句写早出晚归、辛勤劳动;“荒秽”指各种杂草。   C.五、六两句承“荷锄归”,写回家穿草而行,露湿衣服。   D.结尾两句抒情,“愿”指辛勤耕作,祈盼有个好收成。   2.对这首诗的分析鉴赏,不恰当的一项是( )   A.“种豆南山下,”平淡之语;“带月荷锄归,”优美之句。前实后虚,相互补衬,显得完美和谐。   B.“种豆南山下”、“夕露沾我衣”,用语十分平淡自然,却将诗人隐居生活的艰难写得极为具体。   C.诗人以田园中最寻常的物象入诗,朴素的语言,白描的手法,营造出的却是醇美的诗意。   D.以“衣沾”点出躬耕的所有艰辛,但因隐居生活的乐趣远远大于辛劳,所以才“不足惜。”  
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