
使用Flash软件创作“全城马拉松”多媒体作品,“主界面”场景的部分编辑界面如第图a所示。请回答下列问题: 图a (1) 下列对多媒体作品创作的说法正确的是 (多选,填字母); A . 确定使用Flash软件来合成作品,属于创作需求分析 B . Flash属于以程序语言为基础的创作工具 C . 将所需的原始素材列成表格,确定获取原始素材的方式并分类登记,属于脚本编写环节 D . 作品的模块设计描述了该多媒体作品的组成部分、工作流程、主要界面 E . Dear Editor,        I’m confused these days. We are taught at home and at school that violence(暴力)is bad. For example ,last week, my friend and I were playing at the beach .We found a really beautiful shell. My friend picked it up ,but I saw it first ,and I said it was mine. He said ,no, it was his. I really want the shell ,and I even thought about hitting him ,that’s how angry I was.        Now should that be right? No ! I shouldn’t use violence. I should talk with my friend instead, and solve that. My parents and teachers often tell me that using violence is the least civilized(文明)way to solve problems.        So ,if adults had a disagreement ,and if they used violence toward each other in order to win, is it all right ? No!        Now ,I’m confused. When two countries disagree, they often use violence. They fight a war. Using violence is not okey at home, at school, or in your country but okey between two countries, why?        A war is extreme violence. So not only soldiers but citizens(公民), including small children and babies have been killed and injured because of wars.        Adults say they are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace .But can you really “make peace” by using violence and killing so many people?        I don’t think that bombs and missiles(炸弹和导弹)can reach people’s hearts and change them. Bombs and missiles can’t create love and caring ,and that’s what we need in the world. Why can’t they use their wisdom(智慧)and talk it over? 1.What happened to Joshua and his friend last week at the beach?        A.They had a fight.                          B.Joshua hit his friend.        C.They had a class about violence.    D.They found a beautiful shell 2.How should we solve problems according to this letter?        A.We should argue about the problems             B.We should study at school.        C.We should use our wisdom and talk them over.        D.We should use violence. 3.Which opinion is mentioned in the letter?        A.Violence can solve the problems.        B.We should fight wars.        C.A war is extreme violence.        D.Bombs and missiles can reach people’s hearts. 4.What does the sentence “Bombs and missiles can’t create love and caring ,and that’s what we need in the world.” mean?        A.We need to use violence to solve problems.        B.What we need is bombs and missiles.        C.We need bombs and missiles to create love and caring.        D.What we need in the world is love and caring. 5.What’s the letter about? It’s about       .        A.Joshua’s thoughts about wars        B.Joshua’s story        C.hate and love                                D.arguments
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