
阅读材料,完成下列要求。材料一2016~2020 年我国最终消费与资本形成总额对经济增长的贡献率 材料二近年来,我国供给侧结构性改革取得积极成效,形成了供给创造需求的良好局面。2020年,我国疫情防控和经济恢复都走在世界前列,但经济恢复仍不平衡,需求恢复滞后于供给,消费恢复滞后于投资,投资产业层次低、投资结构不合理等问题突出。由于国内循环体系尚存在很多短板,生产、分配、流通和消费各环节堵点尚未完全打通,制约国内大市阅读填空       Look at this picture. The boy is my good friend. His name is Mike. He is thirteen. He isn't tall. His hair is brown. This is Mike's father. He is very tall. That is Mike's mother. She is tall, too. Mike's father and mother are teachers. Who is the girl? She is Mike's sister. Her name is Mary. She is very nice. All of them are English. 根据短文内容用合适的单词填空1. My good friend is an ___ boy. 2. How old is Mike? He is _____.3. Mike's father and ____ are teachers. 4. What colour is Mike's hair? It's _____.5. Mary is Mike's ____.
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