
语法填空。Dear Mary, Now I'm at Bill's home. Please (help) me do some things. First, (get) some food for my dog Robot. After Robot finishes eating his food, you can(clean) his small room. Then, (take) him for a walk. (not let) him be with Mom's dog Frank. They will fight. Many thanks. Your sisterMona 答案:【1】help【2】get【3】clean【4】take【5】Don't let下列事件中,做功改变物体内能的是(    )A.用酒精灯加热烧杯中的水。B.冬天室内使用暖气取暖。C.用锯锯木板,锯条发热。D.盆中的热水温度逐渐降低
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