
山西省某市调查了当地市中心和外围区域早晚高峰期间的交通状况。根据调查情况绘制了汽车平均时速示意图(如下图)。回答下列问题。1.该市交通最拥堵的是:A.中心区域早高峰                 B.中心区域晚高峰C.外围区域早高峰                 D.外围区域晚高峰2.下列缓解该市交通拥堵的措施,最合理的是:A.优先发展公共交通               B.大力拓宽城市道路C.大量修建路边停车位             D.大幅度提can’t stand,  love,  think of,  don’t mind,  surprise,  magazine,  agree,  idea,  good,  watch 1. How about ______ TV? 2. The old men ______ rock music. They think it’s noisy. 3. Think hard, and you will have ______. 4. The boy’s answer ______ me. 5. Her sister ______ soap opera. That’s her favorite. 6. I have many good friends, and Mary is my ______ friend of all. 7. I want to be a reporter in the school ______. 8. My parents don’t always ______ with what I say. 9. My grandfather likes wearing fashionable clothes. He ______ what young people ______ him.
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