
城市空气可吸入性颗粒物PM10(直径≤10微米)及细颗粒物PM2.5(直径<2.5微米)的浓度与人体健康关系密切,汽车尾气,工业粉尘的排放均是该类污染物的重要来源。下图为南京市某年冬季,春季、秋季三个季节PM10、PM2.5浓度的季节和空间变化图。读图回答题。 1.甲、乙、丙分别代表的区域是 A.交通干道旁、居民生活区、商贸饮食区 B.居民生活区、交通干道旁、商贸饮食区 C.交通干道旁、商贸饮食区、居民生活区 D.居民生活区、商贸饮食区 补全对话。 A. I like the singers who care about the poor.B. It is about a singer who helps poor children.C. Yes, his name is Cong Fei (丛飞).D. Yes, if everyone does a bit, our life will be nicer.E. What is it about?A: Hi, Lin Tao. Did you see the talk show yesterday?B:    1   A:    2   B: A singer? Is he rich? A: No, he's not rich and he's seriously ill himself.B: Oh, he's great.    3   A: So do I.B: But there are ones who say they care about the poor, but they don't help them. By the way, can you remember his name?A:    4   B: To me, this seems to be a fairy tale.A: So we should learn from him.B:    5   1.          2.           3.          4.          5.        
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