
遣词造句 (1) in front of (2) there be, (3) next to (4) on (5) play, now 答案:【1】There is a house in front of the trees. 【1】There are some keys on the desk. 【1】There is a soccer /football next to the door. 【1】There are many books on the shelf. 【1】He is playing on the computer now.下列声音,①工厂车间机器的轰鸣声 ②剧场里京剧表演的演奏声 ③清晨公园里小鸟的鸣叫声 ④装修房子时的电钻声 ⑤婚庆时的爆竹声,其中属于噪声的是(  )A. ①③④ B. ①②⑤ C. ①④⑤ D. ①③④⑤
英语 试题推荐