
用如图所示的装置探究平面镜成像特点。 (1) 组装器材时,要使玻璃板与水平桌面相互。实验中选用两只完全相同的棋子A、B,其目的是为了比较像与物的关系;所用的物理方法是(控制变量法/等效替代法); (2) 如果发现棋子A的像较暗,可以用手电筒正对(棋子A/棋子A的像)照射,这样就可以增加像的清晰度; (3) 为了探究平面镜所成像的虚实,应将光屏放在(棋子A的位置/棋子B的位置),眼睛(透过玻璃板观察/直接观察写作。Having studied in this school for almost three years, you are about to graduate (毕业). There must be something that you will always remember. Please write a passage about your Junior school life. The following points should be included.1. How your junior school life is.2. Things/moments that you won’t forget.3. The regrets in the three years.4. Plans for your future.5. A natural ending. I'm lucky to study in this beautiful school. The teachers are great. They always try to make their lessons lively and interesting. The classmates are lovely and friendly. The school life is rich and c...
物理 试题推荐