
How to Keep Calm Under PressureExam pressure, job interviews and public speeches can all make you feel rather nervous-your heart’s racing, your voice sounds strange and your mind goes empty. 【1】 Here are three easy and effective tips that can help you keep calm.【2】 Take a deep breath through your nose for five seconds, hold it for a second, then push all the air out through your nose, slowly, counting to five. Repeat a few times and you'll feel calmer. By breathing deeply and slowly, you can change the message your brain's receiving from “danger” to “all is well”.Second, try 利用如图装置测定某植物光合作用的强度,请分析回答有关问题(注:A为开关;B为玻璃罩;C为转基因植物;D为烧杯,内装NaOH或NaHC03溶液;E为红墨水滴;F为直尺)。Ⅰ.实验步骤(1) 测定植物的净光合作用强度,方法步骤是:①在甲、乙两装置的D中都放入等量的NaHCO3溶液;装置乙作为              ;②将甲、乙两装置放在______、温度等条件相同的环境中: ③30分钟后分别记录甲、乙两装置红墨水滴移动的                。(2) 测定植物的呼吸作用强度,方法步骤是:①在甲、乙两装置的D中都放入等量的                      ;②                                                                    ;③30分钟后分别记录甲、乙两装置的实验结果Ⅱ. 实验结果和分析(1) 实验结果如下表,填写表中的两个空格:(2) 假设红墨水滴每移动l厘米植物体内的葡萄糖增加或减少1克,那么植物的呼吸速率是     克葡萄糖/小时,植物的实际光合速率是     克葡萄糖/小时。假设每天光照15个小时,一昼夜积累葡萄糖             克(不考虑昼夜温差的影响)。
英语 试题推荐