
A: How was your vacation, Jane?B: My vacation? It was really great. A: 【1】B:I went to Beijing.A: 【2】B: I went there by plane. A: 【3】B: Yes, of course. I took lots of photos there. Look, this is the photo of the Great Wall. A: Oh, that's wonderful. B: Yes. 【4】A: Me? I had singing and dancing classes. I want to be a singer like Li Ronghao. B:【5】A: Because I like singing and dancing very much and my music teacher thinks I can do it. B: That sounds good.A.Did you take photos there?B.When did you go?C.Why do you want to be a singer?D.Where did you go?E.What did you do there?F.Ho读“小鸟的悲哀”漫画图,回答下列问题:(1)该图所反映的现象是 A、乱砍滥伐     B、过度放牧  C、植树造林     D、乱捕滥杀(2)该漫画所反映的现象带来的危害是 A、防风固沙     B、水土流失  C、涵养水源     D、净化空气.
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