
Summer camps are popular around the world. Young people usually go to these camps in their summer vacation. The camps are usually in the open air. They are often by forests, lakes, rivers, or hills. The campers usually sleep outside in tents, or in the wood houses. Summer camps make everyone healthy, with lots of outdoor activities(活动) to keep everyone busy. You can go riding or boating. You can go biking or climbing. After a day of fun and exciting activities, campers eat nice meals together. In the evening, everybody gets together to play games, sing songs and tell stories, usually a央视百家讲坛播出了袁腾飞主讲的《两宋风云》,介绍了从北宋灭亡到南宋与金国交战多年,最后达成和议的这段历史。其中最有可能涉及的内容是A.阿保机建立契丹国 B.陈桥兵变 C.郾城大捷 D.马可-波罗来华 
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