
根据所给汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词的正确形式。【1】Many people have been ______(感染) because of the new type coronavirus.【2】Kate Green was a lively young woman with ________ (耐心) and imagination.【3】Students in our school study very hard, ___________(尤其) those in our class.【4】His father is a famous ________(音乐家), and he teaches music in Central Music College.【5】They walked to work because they couldn’t ________(付得起) a taxi.【6】At the sound of the gun, all the birds in the tree flew away in all d___________.【7】Each of4.如图所示内壁光滑的环形槽半径为R.固定在竖直平面内,质量均为m的小球A、B以等大的速率v0从圆心等高处向上、向下滑入环形槽,若在运动过程中两球均未脱离环形槽,设当地重力加速度为g.则下列叙述正确(  )A.两球再次相遇时,速率仍然相等B.小球v0的最小值为$\sqrt{2gR}$C.小球A通过最高点时的机械能小于小球B通过最低点时的机械能D.小球A通过最高点和小球B通过最低点时对环形槽的压力差值为6mg
英语 试题推荐