
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】How many people are working on the project?A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.【2】What will the woman do next?A.Talk with the manager. B.Have a meeting. C.Work on the project. 答案:【答案】【1】C【2】A【解析】【原文】W: I'm having trouble with my job, Bob.M: What is the problem?W: I have been asked to work with five other people on a project. The project is not difficult, but no one is working together on it because there is no one in charge.M: Why don't you apply to be the leader? Then you should call everyone together for a meeting W. Good idea. Ill talk wi如图是制备乙酸乙酯的实验装置,圆底烧瓶中应装有浓硫酸、醋酸、乙醇和沸石,烧瓶上接有球形水冷凝器。小心加热,使烧瓶内的液体不沸腾,反应一段时间后将烧瓶内液体倒入装有饱和碳酸钠溶液的锥形瓶中,瓶中的无色液体分成两层。 (1)球形水冷凝器的作用是________; 球形水冷凝器与普通的直形水冷凝器相比,具有的优点是________;冷凝器a口是冷却水的________(进口或出口)。 (2)分离锥形瓶中的液体应用(填入仪器名称)。 (3)若从锥形瓶中取试样,在其中加入少量碘片,将在________层液体中显红棕色,原因是________。 (4)若从锥形瓶中取试样,在其中滴加几滴高锰酸钾的酸性溶液,发现水层中的紫红色逐渐褪去,原因是________。  
英语 试题推荐