
阅读短文,判断下面的句子与文章内容是否相符。Today is Saturday. It is rainy. This is Children's Day and I don't go to school. I go to the zoo with my parents by bus. We walk around the zoo and watch the animals. Look! The elephants are eating bananas, the monkeys are jumping up and down. We have a nice day. We are happy.This Sunday will be a rainy day, loo. My parents will not go to work. We will be at home. My mother will make lunch. I will do my homework. My father will read the newspaper. My grandfather will watch TV. (1) We go to the zoo by car on Children's给出以下判断:(1)线段的中点是线段的重心(2)三角形的三条中线交于一点,这一点就是三角形的重心(3)平行四边形的重心是它的两条对角线的交点(4)三角形的重心是它的中线的一个三等分点那么以上判断中正确的有(   )(A)一个    (B)两个    (C)三个   (D)四个
英语 试题推荐