
阅读材料,回答问题材料一:从孔子的“不患寡而患不均”、老子的“损有余而补不足”、太平天国的“无处不均匀”和康有为的《大同书》,至新中国成立后的人民公社、“大锅饭”,都体现了我国传统文化中“平均”的文化基因。在“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”的阶级社会,极端贫困的人们企盼平均分享财富,企盼有尊严的生活,这种思想对摧毁和瓦解封建制度具有一定的推动作用,今天对我们正确处理公平与效率的关系仍有启示和警示意义。材 A man got lost in a desert. He walked for two days but he still couldn’t find his way out. Dying for water, he 1. an empty house in the desert. There was a water pump (水泵)in the house!The man was so excited that he ran to draw water. But no matter how 2. he tried, no water came out. How disappointed and tired he was! He sat sadly on the ground when he saw a little bottle with a cork(软木塞)in it. On the 3., there was an old note saying, “You must add the water into the pump before you can draw water! Don’t forget to fill it with water again before you leave!” The man took the cork out and happily found the bottle was full 4. water! “If I’m selfish(自私的), as long as I drink the water, I can go out of this room 5.” , he thought. “If I do as the note says, I might die of thirst (口渴)”. Should I take the risk or not? The man paced back and forth, thinking for a while.At last, he decided to do as the note said 6. began to draw water. Sure enough, lots of water started coming out from the pump! 7. a big surprise! After he drank enough, he filled the bottle with water and added his words after the note. “8. me, do as the note tells you!” he wrote.
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