
阅读下面的文字,完成各题。一堂成功的思政课,犹如读一本启迪心智的好书,看一场益于身心的优秀电影,应让学生不但有美的感受,而且有思想的熏陶、知识的增益、真和善的升华。因此,思政课应________,长于寓理于例。现在的学生,兴趣广泛、好奇心强、求知欲盛,他们往往不满足于泛泛的论述,而希望听到强有力的例证。就事论理,多讲生动活泼的内容,寓道理于事例之中,熔思想性、知识性、趣味性于一炉,是增强感染力的必由之路。( Christmas was coming.Everyone was busy for it.I was in the eighth grade and was helping my father in his toy store.A little boy,five or six years old,came in.He wore a brown dirty old coat.His shoes were worn and one shoelace was torn.He seemed(看起来) to be too poor to afford to buy anything.He looked around the toy section,picked up some toys and carefully put them back in place.   Dad came downstairs and walked over to the boy.His blue eyes smiled as he asked the boy what he could do for him.The boy said he was looking for a Christmas present for his best friend.I was impressed that Dad treated him with the same respect as he treated any adult.Dad told the boy to take his time to look around.   After about 20 minutes,the little boy carefully picked up a toy plane,walked up to my dad and said,“How much is it,sir?”   “How much have you got?”my Dad asked.   The little boy held out his hand and opened it.His hand was marked with wet lines of dirt from holding his money.In his hand lay $$0.27.The price on the toy plane he'd picked out was $$3.98.   “That'll exactly be the price.”Dad said as he closed the sale.Dad's reply seems still to be ringing in my ears.I thought about what I'd seen as I wrapped the present.When the little boy walked out of the store,I didn't notice his dirty worn coat or torn shoelace.What I saw was a happy child with a treasure.   I will never forget what happened that day.(1) When did the story happen?   A.Shortly before Christmas.   B.Shortly after Christmas.   C.On Christmas day.   D.The passage didn't tell us. [  ] (2) Why did the little boy carefully put the toys back in place after he chose them?   A.Because he couldn't make up his mind which to buy.   B.Because he couldn't make up his mind for whom he should buy.   C.Because he hadn't make up his mind whether he should buy them or not.   D.Because he wasn't sure whether he could afford them or not. [  ] (3) Why did my father ask the little boy how much he had got?   A.Because my father could see the boy hadn't got enough money and he wanted to let the boy had his present without hurting him.   B.Because my father didn't know how much it was.   C.Because the little boy was my friend.   D.Because the customer should tell how much he had got first. [  ] (4) How much did the boy pay actually.?   A.$$3.98.   B.$$0.27.   C.$$3.71.   D.The boy didn't pay for it. [  ] (5) Who knew that the real price of the toy the little boy bought was much higher?   A.The little boy.   B.The little boy and my father. C.My father and I. D.The little boy and I. [  ]
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