
School always look the same---square buildings and rooms, rows of desks, and a teacher standing in the front. How can schools be better and different? What will future schools look like? Some schools have a new try. Let’s take a look.Open & interactive (互动的)With the internet, schools are no longer the place where students have lessons. “In the internet age, a school is social space to meet and learn from each other,” said Thomas, a British architect (建筑师). “It offers more chances to teachers and students to interact.” The school’s classrooms are all round. Students (2012?河西区一模)能源问题是现代社会发展的基本要素之一,能源家族中:①煤炭、②太阳能、③天然气、④水能等,其中属于不可再生能源的是①③①③;属于不会造成环境污染的能源是②④②④.(请填写序号)
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